New goals?
Updated: Apr 18, 2024

I know we are just entering spring , but for many this is the new season for new beginning. As it is my habit, I revisited my goals set for this year with the question of how much has been achieved, and how to achieve the rest.
It is somewhat of an emotional journey, as you tend to relive the thoughts and feelings in that moment of writing them down, and depending on where you are at, you can either feel motivated or deflated by your progress.
So far, I am happy to say I am halfway through and within my time frames set; and I thought it will be interesting to share some points to encourage others who may have given up along the way. Trust me I know about that. However, I also know that not everyone believes in new years resolutions and I am not focusing on that , but I am sharing basic tips on how I set my goals and steps I take to achieve them.
1.Generally you are supposed to set realistic goals. I am sure you have all heard the SMART term (covering specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) in relation to goals; but in my experience 1 or 2 “Big” goals are great as it pushes you to reach beyond expectations. As individuals, we have different desires or needs, hence our goals have to be set based on you and no one else’s, that is the only way you can be fully motivated. For focus and direction ask the question, why? and what does it mean for me?
2. Take a day at a time. We tend to not enjoy the present, and in our increasingly fast paced world, we are prone to hurry through the process just so we quickly get to the end; But life is made up of decision making, goal setting and achievements, and if you can not enjoy each day as it comes, you will create a lackluster unfulfilled life. However, taking a day a time requires that you break down those goals into bite sized amounts, so that it becomes manageable and yes the play on words “bite sized” is to make it pleasurable. Look at your list and ask, ‘how am I going to achieve this?’ then develop a manageable strategy.
3. Forgive yourself and move on. The truth is that as no matter how much you plan, you can not control what life presents to you, and stuff happens. Some of it may be your fault, and others not so, but the trick is to acknowledge what it is and what you can or can not control, learn from it and quickly move on. For example you started off in January with a gym schedules and by March you can not even find your work out gear (Reason why I am not a fan of gyms too :-)); Instead of beating yourself up for not committing to your gym goals, just acknowledge that yes, you missed out on weeks of gyming, and yes you have not stuck to your plans, but then go back to your drawing board and think of how you may make it happen. For example, it maybe to get back to just any exercise such as using the stairs and avoiding lifts for the first week. Remain flexible, with forgiveness to pick yourself up again and again and again.
4. Do something! This where points 1,2 and 3 come together, do something about it. Something, no matter how small…. but never nothing! Or else what is the point? In moments of self-doubt or low motivation (which we all experience at some point), remember why the goals were set in the first place and then ask yourself what are my limitations, who does not have limitations, why not me….Because in truth you are just a human being as the next person, and in the words of Mr. Obama “Yes you can”!